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We create collaborative partnerships for scalability and long-term learner solutions 

ekos Learning works closely with industry partners, colleges, and other organizations to create impactful strategies, planning, and programs including stackable pathways to support career awareness and development.


Our custom blended programming is designed to help individuals develop the skills and certifications they need to enter the workforce while helping business partners accelerate the development of talent while reducing frontline shortages. 

Healthcare for
K-12 Students

ekos Learning has worked closely with state agencies, technical and community colleges, and industry partners to create healthcare career collaboratives. We create hybrid summer learning programs combining online learning with onsite training. Our evidence-based programming has continually been rated by participants in the 97% level for satisfaction by participants saying they would recommend the program to a friend. 

Program Design and Management
  • Development of program strategies and design

  • Creation of quantifiable metrics for outcomes and success measures

  • Onboarding of industry partners

  • Partner relationship management

  • Subject matter expertise and training

  • Instructional design

  • Learning management system (LMS) integration

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Workforce Development

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Essential Skills  

ekos Learning has created a suite of essential skills training programs and courses

Our essential skills programming and learning modules give employees, educators and individuals a foundational platform for career success. With topics including communications, problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership, our solutions have far-reaching positive effects, and influence employee morale and productivity for entire teams, departments, or organizations.


Our essential skills courses influence a variety of outcomes — including turnover, customer satisfaction, sales, revenue, productivity, and more. Essential skill development creates employee engagement and passion, which lead to higher levels of customer loyalty, service, innovation, and engagement.

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